What is Axiomesh

Axiomesh is a modular blockchain built for mass commercial adoption. It aims to empower the real economy with cryptoeconomic. To achieve this ambition, Axiomesh proposes a new blockchain architecture with unified liquidity to lower user barriers, protect user privacy, and enhance scalability.

What is AxiomLedger

AxiomLedger serves as the consensus layer of the Axiomesh network, used for asset issuance, transaction settlement, and verification services. The entire architecture is secured by a highly decentralized system of replicated nodes and a robust consensus algorithm.

What is AXC

AXC is the native token of AxiomLedger. Users interacting with AxiomLedger may need to use AXC for transactions.

You can visit the Faucet to get some test tokens(URLs of mainnet and testnet faucets can be found here).

For more detailed information, please visit the Native Token section.