We are well aware that zkToken still cannot adequately protect privacy. For example, when users go to merchants for consumption, they can obtain the merchant’s address. By querying all transactions at the merchant’s address, although the specific transaction amounts cannot be known, the frequency of payments to the merchant can still be inferred. Based on the merchant’s average price level, deductions can be made about the merchant’s turnover, and insights can also be gained into the distribution of the merchant’s clientele. Therefore, apart from the privacy of transaction amounts, a good privacy protocol still needs to possess a certain level of anonymity.

The zkDID protocol is based on the BaseSAP protocol and is designed as a set of secure and compliant anonymous protocols. This anonymity protocol has the following three characteristics:

  • Anonymity: Effectively protects address privacy;
  • Compliance: Regulators can retrieve recipient information under certain conditions;
  • Usability: Can be hosted in a secure manner.