During the operation of the blockchain, it is inevitable that it will need to be upgraded for various reasons, such as bug fixes, function updates, parameter adjustments, and so on.

To prevent forks during the chain upgrade process and ensure consistency across different node versions, proposals for upgrades are initiated through governance. They are then voted on by the governance committee. Once the voting conditions are met (currently, approval by more than half of the votes), the upgrade proposal is accepted. The upgrade will take place at a specified block height to ensure version consistency among blockchain nodes

Upgrade Process

The chain upgrade process is shown in the figure below, and the main steps are as follows:

  1. Members of the Governance Committee submit an upgrade proposal, which includes information such as proposal type, proposal name, proposal description, the block height for the proposal to take effect, download address of the upgrade chain nodes, and verification hash.

  2. Other members of the Governance Committee vote on the upgrade proposal, with options limited to ‘approve’ or ‘reject’.

  3. When the number of ‘approve’ votes for the upgrade proposal meets certain criteria (currently, approval by more than half of the votes), the upgrade proposal is accepted.

  4. The guardian service monitors the event of the upgrade proposal being accepted, triggering the upgrade process. It downloads the new version of the node package, and upgrades the nodes when the blockchain reaches the specified effective block height, shuts down the old version of nodes and starts the new version of nodes.
